In collaboration with DEFRA, Johnsons successfully executed a comprehensive Asset 360 project, achieving remarkable results in both cost saving and social impact. This initiative not only aligned with DEFRA’s commitment to environmental stewardship but also contributed significantly to their sustainability goals.
To relocate and clear three buildings within a limited five-month total project time frame with minimal disruption to working offices.
Minimise waste to landfill, aligning with DEFRA’s mission of environmental stewardship and sustainable living.
To catalogue all assets.
Engage with stakeholders to optimise item re-use and manage the relocation effectively.
In response to the deliberations conducted during our project instigation meetings, Johnsons devised a proposal of ambitious proportions yet firmly anchored in deliverability. This visionary initiative was meticulously crafted with the overarching goal of not only minimising waste but also effecting substantial cost savings by orchestrating a notable increase in asset re-use.
Furthermore, recognising the intricate tapestry of stakeholder dynamics, our dedicated involvement extended beyond proposal creation. We actively lent our support to the project team during pivotal stakeholder engagements, playing a crucial role in navigating the complex landscape to secure the essential sign-off for the Asset 360 project.
Asset audit: Full details, photos, condition and Health & Safety reports captured for over 6,000 assets.
Creation of DEFRA re-use portal: Catalouged assets were made available on a web shop-style portal to allow visitors to request items for re-use.
Access to the portal was provided first to DEFRA department heads, followed by DEFRA team members for home working and finally to organisations and charities through DEFRA colleagues.
Request handling and asset management:
The portal efficiently controlled request handling and management of the assets available, saving hours of administrative work.
Efficient delivery: Effective route planning relocated items as efficiently as possible.
Effective recycling: Any assets not donated or beyond repair were broken down into component parts and recycled.
Project management: Experienced Johnson’s team and DEFRA partners clearly defined project goals, identified challenges and agreed on timescales to keep everyone focused and on track.
Comprehensive reporting: The Asset 360 portal enabled everyone to have total visibility on current availability, to manage the project efficiently and also to deliver accurate reports as the project included.
To read more of our case studies, click here. To learn more about Johnsons Asset 360, click here.